My mom always said that you often have to wait until the weird unidentified pain becomes bad enough to actually do something about. And that’s what happened.
For about a year I lost my words, and I did nothing about it.
My mind was as quiet and still as the blank pages in front of me.
I tried to rest, take on less work and go on a big trip that had the quiet promise of carrying a life-changing idea - all the usual things we are told to do, but the crickets persisted up there.
Yet, the pull persisted too.
So at the beginning of this year, I decided to dedicate a day a week to writing or, at the very least, getting inspired.
Phone in airplane mode, closed mail app, no notifications.
For once offline, wanting to quiet the noise and get back to myself.
To touch some grass and feel something.
Nothing came.
Week in, week out and still only the crickets chirped.
An idea here or there, three pages of random thoughts filled the journal.
Nothing flowed. Nothing moved. Nothing touched me enough to be put on paper.
I persisted, because as a Capricorn sun if there is one thing I’m good at it’s stubbornness. Though I also had a genuine fear that I might implode and melt into the ground if words didn’t come back to me and start flowing out of me. So maybe it wasn’t my star sign, but good old fashioned survival. I write because I must.
But in those quiet in-between moments something did happen, I was just too obsessed with filling a blank page with a finished product to see it.
I was scared about not having an original thought to share and let those annoying insecure voices win on most days. Realising only weeks later that a lot of those voices came from being chronically online, where we glorify individuals who have had innovative ideas and make a business of it.
Don’t get me wrong, I think that’s great and so necessary too. But it was stopping me from writing. Writing shouldn’t be about having an original thought no one has ever had before, it’s about putting an experience into words in order to connect with others. Feeling seen through someone else’s words is the very reason we tell stories.
The same single sentence could pinpoint exactly what someone is feeling, but didn’t have the words to describe, making a concept so brutally clear they can move forward with a new found knowing. To someone else it could be a new learning or perspective they hadn’t thought of. And for another, your words might not resonate at all - which is okay. I write because I must connect through stories and hope my words will live on by themselves to touch the lives of those that needed them.
My soul thrives off of connecting as if we were exchanging our favourite books after filling the margins with notes for the other to think about. Because the magic happens in those in-between spaces. A fleeting moment, a word, a thought that changes the alchemy of your being in a tiny, yet impactful way.
So that is what I want this space to be about - both a practice for me to stretch my writing to the very edges of what it can be and for us to connect over words.
Dive deeper
Go back, annotate in the margins
Have an epiphany, a sip of wine
An image, so visceral you can sense it
or cry.
Keep reading, writing and
changing the microcosm of your story.
The kind of writing you will find here?
For now, it’s a curated extension of my journal. I am trying, maybe for the first time in my life, not to have it all perfectly figured out by the time the idea sees the light of day. I’ve come to realise that, it is in fact, how no idea ever sees the light of day.
Musings on life from my perspective, the insufferable thoughts of someone that is chronically online but doesn’t want to be (and therefore needs a reminder to go touch some grass), curiosities I want to explore, and hopefully also conversations with inspiring souls.
How often will you see me in your inbox?
I’d like to think once a week, but as creativity ebbs and flows (and I’m trying to let it), every month might look a little different. You can choose to be a passenger and support my work, but it won’t ever be forced on you.
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As someone that works in social media, I have chosen this platform to be a means of self expression, purely focused on being a creative outlet and a curated safe space for those chronically online and in need to metaphorically touch some grass.
I come here to share my thoughts, read yours and sometimes even question the very systems we are a part of, so it doesn’t feel right to sell you anything.
Ps. We also live in a day and age where I have to specify this, but I will never use AI for any of my writing. You will find mistakes, typos and everything in between - because it’s me and it’s not perfect. A sprinkle of humanity in a digitalised word.
So, I thank you for being here - whichever way you choose to show up.